Ohio > Wauseon, OH > Psychiatrist > Dr. Stephen Cox, MD

Dr. Stephen Cox, MD

Psychiatrist | Wauseon, OH
In-person visits
725 S Shoop Ave, Ohio 43567 USA
(419) 337-8661
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Languages Spoken English
Top Rated Rated as a top Psychiatrist in Wauseon, OH
Accepting New Patients Appointments available for new patients
Overall rating 4.6
Description Dr. Stephen Cox, MD is a psychiatrist who works at a psychiatry clinic located at 725 S Shoop Ave, Wauseon, OH, 43567. Dr. Stephen Cox, MD is rated as a top psychiatrist in the Wauseon, OH area.
Dr. Stephen Cox, MD
Psychiatrist | Wauseon, OH
4.6 (ratings) Make an Appointment
About Dr. Stephen Cox, MD

As a psychiatrist, Dr. Stephen Cox, MD is skilled in the diagnosis, testing and treatment of patients affected by mental disorders. He specialises in the evaluation, prevention and treatment of mental issues. Unlike popular belief, psychiatrists do not deal with patients of insanity exclusively. Psychiatrists help people suffering from hallucinations and delusions of lower severity as well. Thanks to the advancements in modern medicine, many borderline psychiatric patients can expect to see a full recovery. Psychiatrists are expected to have an immaculate understanding of psychological fundamentals, along with the psychotherapy skills to handle patients with minimal medication. Disorders like phobias, depression and anxiety are now effectively curable through psychotherapy. Psychiatrists resort to medication only when therapy appears to be ineffective on its own.

Psychiatrists need to be excellent communicators and possess an advanced level of emotional intelligence for their work. These factors determine their ability to ascertain their patients state of mind accurately. Psychiatric treatments keep varying based on the patient's reaction, unlike the other branches of medicine. Emotional support together with appropriate psychological support is found to help patients significantly.

Dr. Stephen Cox, MD is rated as a top psychiatrist in the Wauseon, OH area.

Dr. Stephen Cox, MD is accepting new patients at his practice located at 725 S Shoop Ave, Wauseon, OH, 43567. To book an appointment, please call (419) 337-8661

Dr. Stephen Cox, MD - Psychiatrist 725 S Shoop Ave, Wauseon, Ohio Get directions
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