Dr. Stacey McEwen, DO

Obstetrician & Gynecologist | Grand Blanc, MI
In-person visits
1 Genesys Pkwy, Michigan 48439 USA
(810) 606-5000
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Languages Spoken English
Top Rated Rated as a top Obstetrician & Gynecologist in Grand Blanc, MI
Accepting New Patients Appointments available for new patients
Overall rating 4.8
Description Dr. Stacey McEwen, DO is an obstetrician & gynecologist who works at a obstetrics & gynecology clinic located at 1 Genesys Pkwy, Grand Blanc, MI, 48439. Dr. Stacey McEwen, DO is rated as a top obstetrician & gynecologist in the Grand Blanc, MI area.
Dr. Stacey McEwen, DO
Obstetrician & Gynecologist | Grand Blanc, MI
4.8 (ratings) Make an Appointment
About Dr. Stacey McEwen, DO

As a skilled obstetrician/gynecologist, Dr. Stacey McEwen, DO is an expert in women's reproductive medicine and childbirth. Obstetrics is the branch of medicine which is concerned with women's health during pregnancy and post-childbirth. She will guide and help women in important matters such as contraception, childbirth and menopause. Additionally, surgical procedures such as caesarean sections, hysterectomy, removal of extra growth are also performed, if the situation demands it.

OBGYNs as they are commonly referred to, are trained to perform routine procedures such as pap smears to diagnose cervical cancer, fertility treatments including IVF and egg freezing, STI diagnosis, conducting pelvic ultrasound for examining pelvic organs or to assess the pregnancy, treatment of urinary problems like urinary tract infection and/or incontinence, treating common issues such as anaemia and breast health management which includes mammograms to prevent/treat breast cancer. Owing to the sensitive nature of their work, OBGYNs are trained to counsel as well. It is natural for one, to feel nervous while letting a doctor examine their private parts, OBGYNs will help them minimise this discomfort with appropriate guidance based on individual needs.

Dr. Stacey McEwen, DO is rated as a top obstetrician & gynecologist in the Grand Blanc, MI area.

Dr. Stacey McEwen, DO is accepting new patients at her practice located at 1 Genesys Pkwy, Grand Blanc, MI, 48439. To book an appointment, please call (810) 606-5000

Dr. Stacey McEwen, DO - Obstetrician & Gynecologist 1 Genesys Pkwy, Grand Blanc, Michigan Get directions
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